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Fast Food Ingredients; The Truth

Updated: Jan 29, 2022

We all love fast foods. I mean not all of us, but yes, we do love them. It is the quickest way to grab something on the go. Unfortunately, fast food contains ingredients that have been linked to health issues such as obesity, diabetes, heart diseases and even cancer. In this article, we will try to demystify some disturbing facts about fast foods.

How fast food is made

Since fast foods are meant to be easy to prepare, affordable and consumed quickly, much of the food production happens in farms and large factories. The products are then shipped to the fast food restaurants, where they are assembled into made-to-order meals.

When it comes to orders, which is most often than not our favorite moment (having the thrill and rush of deciding what to or not to order. Trying to convince ourselves that we don't need all that food, but still somehow we end up with so much more than we had budgeted for), most fast food meals are prepared from canned, frozen or dehydrated products and are simply reheated before serving.

Most of these fast food items are made of fats and simple carbohydrates that are full of sugar. These are high in calories and low in nutrition. This means they will leave you feeling hungry and could even cause you to binge eat.

Fast food ingredients

1). Sodium

Salt (sodium) is commonly used as a flavor enhancer for home cooking and seasoning. However, in fast foods, sodium is used as a preservative to extend shelf life and enhance the taste. According to the American Heart Association, one should not consume a maximum of 2,300 milligrams (mg) of sodium a day and an ideal limit of 1,500 mg per day is recommended for most adults. Note that one fast food meal can contain up to 1,300 mg of sodium. Most of us underestimate just how much sodium we eat, if we can even estimate it at all.

2). Sugar

Sugar is added in almost every fast food ingredient; sauces, dressings, bread and batter. Too much sugar consumption can cause serious health issues and is linked to an increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and obesity.

Did you know?

* Sugar not only refers to the white refined substance you add to your morning coffee/tea, but it can appear in ingredient lists under several names including high fructose corn syrup, agave nectar, and molasses.

3). Fat

Trans fats (which occur when liquid oils are turned into solids) are added to many fast food products to help them last longer. These trans fats increase unhealthy or "bad" lipoproteins (LDL - low-density lipoproteins) and lower your good lipoproteins (HDL - high-density lipoproteins). .

Chemicals in fast foods

When it comes to fast food ingredients, there is more than meets the eye. You might think your meals are made up of simple ingredients: burger patties made of ground beef, vegetables or sliced cheese for toppings, and french fries made from potatoes. The reality is, many of the ingredients are hidden.

Chemicals are usually added to most fast food products to make them last longer and taste better, but these chemicals compromise the nutritional quality of the food and can even be harmful to your health.

Common chemicals found in fast food

  • Propylene glycol - an additive that stabilizes moisture to prevent ingredients from sticking together or drying out (toxic in high doses)

  • Ammonium sulfate - added to bread products as a dough enhancer, also used in commercial fertilizers

  • Synthetic food dyes - makes food more appealing, can cause allergic reactions and have been linked to different types of cancer

  • Sodium nitrite - a preservative to make meat products like bacon, ham, or beef fresh for longer while enhancing their color, has been linked to certain types of cancer

  • Fillers - they include cellulose, olestra, and potassium bromate and are added to thicken products like meat and bread, can interfere with the body's natural nutrient absorption systems.

* Although many women experience food cravings when they are on their period or pregnant, and might get tempted to grab a burger or fries from the drive-thru or your favorite fast food restaurant, making fast food a regular habit can be harmful to your health (it's not exactly rocket science).

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