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Bye Fast Foods; Bye Acne

If you love fast foods and carbonated beverages like i do, then you probably may or may not know that they are very much associated with acne. Let's agree, nobody likes seeing these tiny (sometimes big), irritating and painful pimples on their face...bumps on one side! There are many factors that contribute to acne; hormonal fluctuations, stress and diet are just a few of the causes. In this article i will mainly talk about fast foods and soda.

Photo credit: Becky Mugeto
A plate of fries and grilled chicken and rice at the background

Glycemic Index

This is a scale that estimates how different types of carbohydrates affect your blood sugar. The higher the glycemic index of the product, the faster the carbohydrates in it are digested and raise blood sugar levels. Processed foods that have a high glycemic index are known to aggravate acne. (By now you're probably like, "what are you tryna say?" just scroll kidogo down, it is just getting juicier.)

Fast foods, instant foods, fizzy drinks (soda), white bread (whaaaat???), smoked sausages , and potato chips (fries) are all foods that are known to contribute to developing acne.

Adopting a whole foods diet and reducing dairy products intake can significantly help reduce acne. Fish and vegetables also have been found to lower the incidence rate of acne.


There is a lot more to be done than just watch your diet if you want to keep acne at bay.

  1. Have a good skin care routine and I do not mean buying a bunch of face scrubs and face masks. Simply put, wash your face at least twice a day with a cleanser or antibacterial soap (never go to bed without washing your face)

  2. Change your pillow case at least once in two weeks, and wash your pillow after every six months

  3. Wash your hair regularly and keep hairsprays and gels away from your face

  4. Avoid touching your face, or squeezing the pimples; try keeping your phone as clean as possible

Try these simple tips and watch how your skin will start transforming ***wink***

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