Becky Mugeto

Feb 10, 20213 min


Hotel school.

My favorite unit was Food and beverage and my favorite exam was wine tasting. That’s not what I’m here to talk about though. I want to help you understand the basics of what is probably your favorite drink as it is mine.

I love coffee as much as I loved that wine tasting exam. Imagine not only being allowed to carry drinks to school but it be mandatory that you do it. It was one day though, good old day.

I should have named this article “That Wine Tasting Day” . I digress.


Today’s topic.

This is a drink made from roasted and ground coffee beans. It can be served hot or iced. Not that it’s any of your concern, but I like my coffee hot.

Types of Coffee

There are more than 20 different types of coffee. Depending on the ingredients you use and how you prepare your coffee, it could either be simple and classic or complex and rich in flavor.

There are several ingredients you can add to your coffee depending on your preference. I love my coffee black with 1 teaspoon of sugar. This article isn’t about the things I love, don’t get confused.

The very first type of coffee on my list is Espresso.

1. Espresso

(drink) - a strong coffee prepared by passing hot water through finely ground dark roast coffee beans under high pressure. A single shot is usually about 30ml served in an espresso cup.

- Espresso can also be defined as a coffee-brewing method of Italian origin in which a small amount of nearly boiling water is forced under 9-10 bars of atmospheric pressure through finely ground coffee beans.

Don’t worry, the preparation is much easier than the definition.

In regards to what this article is about, I’ll refer to espresso as the liquid extracted and not the method of preparation.

Since there are different ways to prepare coffee, it is safe to say that all espresso is coffee but not all coffee is espresso. Easy-peasy.

In order to achieve the complex, aromatic, and caffeine- packed shot of coffee in under 30 seconds, you’ll need an espresso machine. However, you can still achieve something close to that even without the machine.

2. Cappuccino

Most coffees have espresso as the base. It’s also the reason why it’s at the top of my list.

Cappuccino is an espresso-based coffee drink, originally from Italy. It is prepared with equal amounts of espresso, steamed milk and frothed milk.

- Don't underestimate the size of this drink, it has a rich and bold taste just like any espresso would.

Cappuccino means “little capuchin” in Italian which aptly describes the head of foamed milk that sits atop the drink’s espresso base. This name was given because its brown shade supposedly matched the color of the long hoods worn by Capuchin monks.

Cappuccini is the correct plural of cappuccino when ordering in Italian. Cappuccinos is also correct when ordering in English since this word is fully integrated into the English language.

3. Caffe Latte or Latte

- Just as the name is, Caffe e latte basically means coffee and milk.

- It is an espresso based drink prepared with steamed milk and froth. (espresso with milk).

Traditionally, a latte is served in a large cup, (compared to a cappuccino), and the coffee content is very diluted.

This one, just like its predecessors, originated in Italy and can be served hot or Iced.

Basic formula to remember when you want to prepare this is: 1/6 espresso + 4/6 steamed milk and 1/6 frothed milk.

4. Caffe Mocha

- Also called moccaccino, mochaccino or mochachino. That’s a lot of names for one drink don’t you think?

- Basically, this is a chocolate-flavored variant of Caffe Latte, an American invention.

Main ingredients: espresso, milk and chocolate

- Another variant is white café mocha which is made with white chocolate instead of milk or dark.

- Prepare this by pouring chocolate sauce into a glass followed by espresso then the steamed milk.

- When serving, whipped cream or marshmallows can be used as toppings and dusting cinnamon or cocoa powder on top.

Basic formula: 1/3espresso + 2/3steamed milk + chocolate

5. Latté Macchiato

This is a traditional Caffe latte but with a thicker layer of foam. It is mostly milk with a hint of espresso and directly translates as stained milk as it is made by "staining" milk with espresso.

- It is a layered drink whereby divisions of the ingredients can be seen. It is better served in a clear glass.

The method of preparation also differs slightly from Caffe latte. Espresso is added to the milk (staining or marking the milk), while in Caffe latte, milk is added to espresso.

Key words:

  • Caffe - espresso

  • Latte - milk

  • Macchiato - stained/marked
